Bruk SDG Cards i undervisning og læring!
Vi selger flere og flere klassesett. Dette er skoler, biblioteker og andre som bruker kortene i læring og diskusjon om bærekraft. Settene kommer med workshop guide. Pris fra kr 1.000,- per boks. Ta kontakt med oss for tilbud.
Bærekraftsrapport Sjøholmen Kulturhus
Sjøholmen Kulturhus AS sitt samfunnsoppdrag favner bredt. Å måle leveransene fra et sosialt entreprenørskap er utfordrende. Bærekraftskortene, SDGCARDS.NO, ble benyttet for å finne meningsfylte bærekraftsmål i sin bærekraftsrapport.
«Sjøholmen er veldig stolte av resultatet som viser våre konkrete, målbare leveranser under FNs bærekraftsmål», daglig leder Mette Torstensen.
Thank you Tekna for hosting an exiting workshop April 26ht in Oslo.
We are collaborating with the Sustainability Cards / SDG Cards and Fuelbox on an exciting workshop where you will get a thorough introduction to a simple, research-based methodology for choosing which of the UN’s Sustainability Goals are meaningful for you and your business.
High North Dialogue 2023 – Business in the Arctic – Spaces of Opportunities
Conference, photos from our Dialogue Workshop «Take Action on the UN Goals!»
Workshop i samarbeid med Tekna og FuelBox: Lær mer og ta aksjon på FNs bærekraftsmål
I denne praktiske workshopen lærer du å skape nysgjerrighet, engasjement og eierskap rundt Bærekraft. NB: workshopen er gratis og det er begrenset antall plasser.
High North Dialogue Side Event: Less Talk – Take Action on the UN Sustainability Goals
In this workshop you will learn how to create curiosity about the UN Sustainability Goals. A simple, research-based methodology helps you select which of the UN’s Sustainability Goals are meaningful for you and your business. You will immediately be able to use tools and knowledge in internal change processes and externally with customers, partners and investors.
I denne praktiske workshopen som er et samarbeid mellom FuelBox og SDGCARDS.NO lærer du å skape nysgjerrighet, engasjement og eierskap rundt Bærekraft.
Base Camp Davos and World Economic Forum (WEC) testing SDGCARDS!
Karin Berentsen was introduced to Gill Einhorn, Head Innovation and Transformation, who would have liked to be @ our Workshop on the UN Goals yesterday. She invited me to the World Economic Forum ‘by invitation only’ lunch for more dialogue on our Sustainability Cards. Nice!
Amazing 75 participants!
Attending our engaging workshop on the UN Goals! The Sustainability Cards was used to demonstrate and test a research based method to asses ALL 17 UN Goals and 169 Targets in 1 hour!
Come join us at the 2022 Artic Circle Assembly
Less Talk – More Action Workshop
Tools & Games for Taking Actions on the UN Sustainable Development Goals! In cooperation with Sintef.
second edition ready
We are experiencing high demand and have produced a new edition of boxes. Order yours today. Available in Norwegian and English. Produced locally in Oslo.